Dicionário de dados do Twitter
Sentimentos no Twitter para CSV
O download do arquivo .csv do Twitter a partir de termos de busca pode ser feito no site Tweet Sentiment to CSV. São 100 tweets sobre o termos pesquisado.
Links interessantes sobre esse tópico são:
- Como investigar tweets com rtweet r R by Abraji
- Intro to rtweet: Collecting Twitter Data by Michael W. Kearney
- Aprenda a fazer um Analisador de Sentimentos do Twitter em Python by Paulo Vasconcellos
- Twitter Data in R Using Rtweet by Leah Wasser, Carson Farmer
- Github Mariana Cartaxo
- Text Mining example codes (tweets)
- Ocupação na UFMG e intervenção policial - Twitter by Neylson Crepalde
- Github Judite Cypreste
- Análise de Sentimentos no Twitter Sobre o Governo Bolsonaro by Arthur Carosia
- A Guide to Mining and Analysing Tweets with R by Céline Van den Rul
- Mining Tweets of US candidates on mass shootings before and after the 2018 midterms by Céline Van den Rul
- Análise de Conteúdo (twitteR) by Nelson Crepalde
- Twitter sentiment analysis
Conteúdo adicional
Text Mining and Analytics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: https://www.coursera.org/learn/text-mining/home/info.
Text Mining with R: A Tidy Approach, Julia Silge and David Robinson: http://tidytextmining.com/.
Intro to Text mining using R, Ted Kwartler: https://opendatascience.com/conferences/ted-kwartler-intro-to-text-mining-using-r/.
Intro to Text Mining Using tm, openNLP and topicmodels, Ted Kwartler: http://www.slideshare.net/odsc/tedkwartlerworkshop1.
Text Mining: An Overview, David Madigan: http://www.stat.columbia.edu/~madigan/W2025/notes/IntroTextMining.pdf.
Text-Mining Tutorial, Marko Grobelnik e Dunja Mladenic: http://profs.info.uaic.ro/~adiftene/Scoala/2012/APLN/Resurse/03_TM/Tutorial_Marko.pdf.
Text mining, Ian H. Witten: http://www.cos.ufrj.br/~jano/LinkedDocuments/_papers/aula13/04-IHW-Textmining.pdf.
Text Mining: Applications and Theory, Michael W. Berry e Jacob Kogan: http://www.mohamedrabeea.com/books/book1_1165.pdf.
Web Search and Text analysis: https://www.williamwebber.com/research/teaching/comp90042/2014s1/.
CS 6501: Text Mining: http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~hw5x/Course/CS6501-Text-Mining/_site/lectures/. Speech and Language Processing: https://web.stanford.edu/~jurafsky/slp3/.
CETEMPúblico: http://www.linguateca.pt/acesso/corpus.php?corpus=CETEMPUBLICO.
An Introduction to Text Mining: http://port.sas.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=53.
Similarity Measures for Text Document Clustering. Sobre a construção de um léxico da afetividade para o processamento computacional do português. Evaluating CETEMPúblico, a free resource for Portuguese. Working on Sentiment Analysis on Twitter with Portuguese Language. Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Data for Portuguese Language. Sentiment Analysis Using R Language. Sentiment analysis with machine learning in R. SentimentAnalysis package.